
TA Zero Alpha 5 and Map Pack 1f

Merry Christmas once again! Version Alpha 5 of Total Annihilation Zero has arrived!

The big news is that the missing tier 2 air units are finally here. Each faction can now build their own constructor and a variety of other combat and support aircraft. There is also an assortment of structures, most of them for the new GoK support aircraft to build, and a radar hovercraft for Arm.

As per usual, there are almost 200 balance adjustments, dozens of technical fixes, and the fine tuning of weapon sound effects continues.

Version 1f of Total Annihilation Zero Map Pack brings changes and fixes for the old maps, and also adds one new map to the pack.

The amounts of reclaimable resources on most maps have been reduced, and their locations adjusted. Some minor balance issues are thus resolved, and gameplay should be less of a mad dash to get all the rocks one can.

Gathering is a forested archipelago map primarily intended for 2vs2 games. The two land masses are separated by a river, with only a single shallow crossing point in the middle. Whether you head out with ground or naval units, you will all be meeting in the middle.

Download TA Zero Alpha 5 and Map Pack 1f here, and visit the official discussion thread.

3 comments on TA Zero Alpha 5 and Map Pack 1f

  • Nanito_187

    ill be checking my email for a reply specifically for this post. does anyone still play this? is there a server to still play online? I have TA and the contingency pack on CD still. but i dont have an older version of windows. does that matter? your reply will be very much appreciated.

  • New multiplayer client has been around for a while now. Plenty of games happening during late evenings european time, but the other time zones are less active. ProTA and Escalation mods are what most people play, but battlerooms for other mods do pop up occasionally.

    Older systems should have no issues, and whatever problems there were with newer Windows versions have been largely solved. There is a community patch available for OTA, and most mods these days have something similar incorporated into them.

  • Tashadan

    Sorry totally missed your Post. There is a discord channel and iam more than happy to play with you.